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Frequently asked questions

Your hearing healthcare professional is a great resource for most of your hearing-related questions, but check here first for the answers to many commonly asked ones.

Can I purchase hearing aids directly from Unitron?

No, you cannot purchase hearing aids directly from Unitron. They should be purchased through a hearing healthcare professional, who is specially trained to test hearing and to fit you with the right hearing aids, as well as provide expert advice.

Consumer notice: The importance of purchasing Unitron aids through an authorized hearing healthcare professional.

Unitron creates world-class hearing solutions for people with hearing loss. We offer our products through reputable, qualified hearing healthcare professionals and distributors, whose specialized training and expertise are critical to the successful use of hearing aids. For this reason, Unitron hearing aids should be purchased through hearing healthcare professionals who sell Unitron products through in-person consultations. We recommend that you do not purchase hearing aids through Internet retailers, or online catalogs and mail orders, but instead seek the advice and services of an authorized Unitron hearing healthcare professional. We would also like you to be aware that there are Internet retailers who sell Unitron hearing aids who are not trained or authorized by Unitron to do so.

Help & support

The Unitron support team is here to help. Learn more about important topics and find resources that will help you with all of your Unitron products.

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