Moxi Vivante: showcasing the Unitron user-centric design philosophy

For the Product Management team at Unitron, our goal is to provide people with hearing loss effective and easy to use products that solve real-world problems, and seamlessly fit into their daily lives.

Achieving that goal, however, can be anything but simple. Over many years, Unitron's team of dedicated individuals has evolved our product design guided by a philosophy that helps us accomplish this goal continually, and again it has allowed us to push the boundaries with Moxi™ Vivante.

The philosophy we use is our user-centric design approach. This philosophy keeps those who wear the hearing instruments at the heart of every decision. The process has helped us create products that, along with sound performance, are designed to optimize three core pillars that provide the biggest impact to the wearing experience: aesthetics, comfort, and ease of use.

This philosophy has helped us win many Red Dot design awards. But the real reward is that it helps us to design hearing instruments like our new Moxi Vivante family with the goal of promoting acceptance from the very beginning. With a focus on simplicity in the overall aesthetics, and ease-of-use of the instrument controls and rechargeability, we think we’ve managed to do just that.


From the very first moment a hearing instrument is placed into the hand of a user it is being judged. While sound quality and performance are paramount for a great user experience, the first judgement always comes down to looks. And not just the look on the ear, but the look and feel in the hand.

Our flawless finishes showcase the high quality of the instrument and help to demonstrate the value of the purchase and the cutting-edge technology found within the instrument. Moxi Vivante also has a range of distinct colors, allowing for color matching with hair and skin tone colors, ensuring that clients get the exact look that they think fits best with their personal style.




Wearing comfort is one of the top factors in client acceptance of a hearing instrument for new wearers who are adapting to hearing instruments. We want our hearing instruments to be comfortable enough to be worn all day, so that wearers can benefit from their instruments from morning until night. We do that by combining smooth, organic shapes and clean lines with seamless details that are used to create a comforting look in the hand and feel comfortable when worn.


Ease-of-use is essential, and Moxi Vivante addresses this with a multi-function button that has large tactile areas to provide a large area for users to find and press, and the innovative tap control that makes controls for streaming media, connecting to virtual assistants, adjusting volume and more an absolute breeze for users.

These controls are included on all Vivante instruments, including: Moxi V-R, the smallest RIC on the platform with direct connectivity built in and Moxi V-RT, with a built in telecoil for those clients who still desire the flexibility to connect to landline phones and loop systems.

Moxi Vivante also features a newly designed charger to help improve the user experience. Smaller in size compared to the previous Moxi charger, it also comes with a magnetic pull insertion feature that makes it easier for clients to insert and remove their hearing instruments.


With Vivante, we strive to not only provide your clients with next level sound performance, but thanks to our user-centric design philosophy, a hearing instrument that fits seamlessly into their life from the first time it is placed on their ear. 

The Vivante Experience is designed to bring the sounds of the good life right to your client’s ears. 

Learn more

Vivante Platform Mini Session
Vivante Sound Performance Mini Session
Vivante Design Mini Session

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