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Cable / programming

The following section provides programming information, programming cable information and iCube II programming information.

Programming information

Programming information for each shell style is listed below.


Battery: Must be removed when programming using a cable. Insert battery into battery door when programming using iCube II.

Battery door: Must be removed to insert cable. Must be closed with battery in place when using iCube II.

On/Off Switch: There is no physical on/off switch on the hearing aid. The hearing aid will power on when the programming cable is connected to the hearing aid or when the battery door is closed with battery in place when using iCube II.

10A cable: 10A programming cable (white). Insert right or left programming cable for the appropriate side. Note: using the black 10A programming cable is not recommended as it may damage the battery contacts.

312 and 13 cables: DIN/Battery Cable Style 5. Insert right or left programming cable for the appropriate shell style and battery size.

BTE and Moxi family (RIC)

Battery: Must be removed when programming using a cable.  Insert battery into battery door when programming using iCube II or Noahlink Wireless.

Battery door: Must be opened to insert cable.  Must be closed with battery in place when using iCube II or Noahlink Wireless.

On/Off Switch: There is no physical on/off switch on the hearing aid.  The hearing aid will power on when the programming cable is connected to hearing aid or when the battery door is closed with battery in place when using iCube II or Noahlink Wireless.

Cable: DIN/CS44 Plug Cable Style 4.

(Note: Hearing instrument controls, accessories, Easy-t, audio streaming and automatic microphone options are deactivated during programming.)

Programming cable information

The programming cable for each shell style and battery size is listed in the table below.

IIC and ITEs

HI-PRO cables 2m:

Right, Red




Right, Red




Right, Red




Left, Blue




Left, Blue




Left, Blue




Noahlink cables 0.5 m:

Right, Red




Right, Red 




Right, Red




Left, Blue




Left, Blue




Left, Blue




BTEs and Moxi family

HI-PRO cables 2m: DIN/CS44 Plug Cable Style 4

Right, Red



Left, Blue



Generic Black



Noahlink cables 0.5 m:

Generic Black


Programming with iCube II information

iCube II is available for wireless cable free programming.

To add an iCube II for wireless programming capability:

Ensure that the Bluetooth® icon in the computer system toolbar looks blue. If the icon is red: 

  • If using an external Bluetooth device, ensure it is plugged in
  • If using an internal Bluetooth device, ensure it is turned on
  • Check your computer owner’s manual regarding enabling the Bluetooth device

Ensure iCube II is powered on and the battery is charged.

Ensure iCube II is positioned within ~ 10 meters of the programming computer.

If using iCube II via USB connection, check the USB cable and ensure it is firmly plugged into the computer and iCube II.  

  1. Click on ‘Options’ on the top menu bar and select ‘iCube II Configuration’
  2. Ensure the check box ‘Enable iCube II for fitting’ is selected
  3. Click on the ‘Add iCube II...’ button. Follow the on-screen instructions in the iCube II Pairing Assistant.

After adding iCube II, you can use this interface for programming your wireless hearing instruments. iCube II must be charged and enabled in the software prior to programming wireless instruments. For further details regarding iCube II function, please refer to the Complete guide to iCube II. General steps for programming with iCube II are listed below:

  1. Insert appropriate battery into the hearing instruments and close the battery doors
  2. Place hearing instruments inside iCube II neckloop/antenna or place hearing instruments in your client's ears and position iCube II neckloop around client's neck
  3. Select iCube II as the desired programming interface from the dropdown list on the Instruments>Selection screen
  4. Click on the Detect button. A detection dialog box will appear
  • New wireless BTE or RIC fittings will need to be designated as right or left instruments using the assignment buttons on the detection dialog box
  • Custom ITE fittings will have already been designated as right or left hearing instruments during the production process.

Programming with Noahlink Wireless

Install Unitron TrueFit before connecting Noahlink Wireless with computer. The Noahlink Wireless driver is installed during installation of Unitron TrueFit.

After successful Unitron TrueFit installation attach Noahlink Wireless to any USB port on the PC using the supplied USB cable. A 2-3 second solid green light indication will confirm that Noahlink Wireless is powered.

  • Place Noahlink Wireless on the table with a clear line-ofsight to the hearing instruments, which should be within a range of 10 feet (3 metres)
  • Avoid placing the Noahlink Wireless in a USB hub with other USB devices (e.g. Bluetooth dongle), as this can decrease the efficiency of the Noahlink Wireless
  • When fitting hearing instruments inside a sound booth place the Noahlink Wireless inside or close to the booth
  • It is recommended not to use USB cables between the Noahlink Wireless and the PC exceeding a length of 10 feet (3 metres).

Insert batteries into the hearing instruments and close battery doors.

Select Noahlink Wireless to be the fitting device.

Click the Detect button.

Identify hearing instruments by either pressing the push button of the hearing instrument (if applicable) to see a highlight in dialog or click the Play Beep button to play a beep in the corresponding hearing instrument.

Assign side information to the hearing instruments.

Click Continue and follow the workflow.

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